Fall Break and Having Fun with Sigma Kappa!
I've kept very busy over the past couple of weeks! During homecoming weekend, I performed in Air Jam and my team for DeHority won the prize for best residence hall! Our costumes were tribal-themed and we performed to the songs "Hooked on a Feeling," "Monster," "Pompeii," "Levels," "I'm a Believer," and "Be a Man." On the following Tuesday, I went to my Sigma Kappa new member meeting, where we learn information about the sorority and our chapter, like I always do. We began the meeting as we normally would, and about halfway through we were surprised with Big/Little reveal! We all walked over to the student center where we found a balloon with our name on it (courtesy of my wonderful Big, Mackenzie), and when we popped the balloon we found a paper with the name of our big! I got a large gift bucket as well as paddles from my Big and my Grandbig, Julie! One of Sigma Kappa's philanthropies is Geron...