Is it Over Already?
It’s hard to believe that in just over two weeks, it will once again be time to leave Ball State and go home for the summer. Before I came to college, everyone told me that the four years fly by. Although I was skeptical at first, I can’t help but think they were right. Soon I will be halfway through my college career, and it still seems like there are places on campus that I don’t know how to find. After a very eventful year, I have an equally lively final two weeks. This weekend I will be hanging out with my friends at the Late Nite Carnival (Friday) and my sorority formal (Saturday). Next week my mom will come to campus for a mom’s weekend! Then, I will have just a few last minute papers and projects to turn in before I’m ready for finals week! This past semester, I’ve gotten the chance to be an intern in the Writing Center at Ball State. I started off observing other tutors, then I worked my way up to having my own tutoring sessions with clients! Along with the practicum, I ...