Dodgeball, Mom's Day, and Time to Relax!

After a very stressful first week back at school after break, I had the chance this weekend to just relax with my friends and family!

On Saturday, some of my sorority sisters and I played in a dodgeball tournament! The tournament was put on as a philanthropy event for another sorority, and some of my sisters made a team to play! The Spring philanthropy season has begun, and there are events almost every weekend for the next couple of months. The dodgeball tournament raised money for arthritis, and we love to participate in other sorority and fraternity philanthropy events!

After winning our first game, we lost in the second round. We still had a great time, and raised money for a great cause!

We are getting ready for our own Spring philanthropy called Battle of the Sexes, which will take place in April and raise money for our three of our philanthropies: Alzheimer’s disease research, Inherit the Earth, and Maine Sea Coast Mission.

On Sunday, Sigma Kappa celebrated Mom’s Day! I was really excited that my mom was able to come up for the event! We painted plates, which will be fired by the studio and returned to us! After painting pottery, my friend Sarah Elizabeth and I took our moms to lunch at Panera. When we got back, my mom and I walked around campus, since it was so nice and warm outside! My mom even walked with me to take my Spanish quiz in the testing lab, and afterwards we looked at the dorm I am living in next year! I always love when my mom comes to visit me on campus!

I also am still writing for News and Notes, which is an online publication for the Honors College. This month, we are preparing for a special print alumni edition, which will be sent out to Honors College alum as well as printed for current students to read! In preparation, I wrote an article about Honors College alum who have returned to work at Ball State, either as professors or in other departments in higher education! In the process, I got to interview three members of the faculty. Although I am not especially interested in journalism, News and Notes gives me a chance to write more, which is always positive!

This semester, I always seem to be incredibly busy. I have a full class schedule, and I have a lot more responsibilities and obligations than I did last semester. As invigorating as it is to be busy, I sometimes need time to myself! Recently, I’ve allotted specific times throughout the week where I can just be by myself, listen to music, and work on what I need to get done. This has helped me to reduce stress, since I can get things done and have time later in the day to relax with friends. By the time the weekend hits, I’m exhausted, but I feel like I’m already getting so much out of my college experience. I can’t wait to see what is next!  


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